What is Rainbow?
Our Mission
The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls prepares girls for responsible and purposeful adulthood through character and leadership development, encouraging unselfish service and higher ideals in life, and promoting teamwork and effective interpersonal communications.
What we are
Rainbow is a nonprofit organization for young women and is designed to promote personal growth, fellowship, and charity. In addition to learning valuable character building lessons, Rainbow affords excellent leadership experience, public speaking opportunities, study skills, and organizational techniques. Each of our 850 Assemblies across the world are organizing service projects and social events around their bi-annual terms of office. The members of the Assembly appoint and elect their officers to lead them toward their goals. Friendships made through Rainbow are lasting, not only from your own Assembly but throughout the state and around the world.
Some former Rainbow Girls you might recognize are Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, comedians Ruth Buzzi, Lily Tomlin, actress Lee Meriweather, and former Miss Americas Jane Jaroe and Chantelle Smith.
Our founding
In 1922, Rainbow was created for young women whose fathers were members of the Masonic Lodge, and their friends. Although a Christian minister named W. Mark Sexson founded the organization, today the leaders of Rainbow Girls respect and welcome all girls from every religion. Their main focus is more on the spiritual principles of being a kind and caring person. While the Rainbow practices and programs continue to evolve, the basic teachings of faith, hope, and charity remain a cornerstone of this dynamic girl’s youth group.
Requirements for Membership Consideration
Young women between the ages of 11 and 20 years old
Sponsored by a member in good standing, and at least one member in good standing of one of our sponsoring Masonic Orders
Don’t know anybody? That’s okay! Reach out and it’s more people you get to meet!
Not 11 yet but still want to be involved? We have an active Pledge group for girls ages 6-10 who wish to join Rainbow after their 11th birthday. Pledge groups join their sponsor Assembly in activities, and have their own events. If you’d like to join a Pledge program in your area, contact our State Pledge Mom Lauryn Buschhaus Palanichamy today!