
Ohio IORG Alumni & Majority

Service        Leadership        Sisterhood       Legacy

Are you a former member of Rainbow? Whether you received your majority or not, whether you live in Ohio or not, whether you were a member in another jurisdiction but living in Ohio, we want to connect with you as a member of Ohio’s Majority and Alumni.  Through our Facebook group, search Facebook for OHIO IORG Majority and Alumni or access this link here, you’ll find 1600 of your sisters! We are also on Instagram here! The best part? We don’t charge any dues for being a part of our Majority & Alumni.

On our Facebook group, explore all of it. Scroll through and participate in discussions, start new ones. The way you see things depends on whether you are looking at the FB group on your phone or on a computer. On phones, you'll see gray buttons labeled such as You, Rooms, Mentorship, Chats, Announcements, Topics, Photos, Albums, Recommendations. I do recommend ALWAYS clicking on Announcements. On a Laptop, what you see will be different, you will see About, Discussion, Mentorship, Announcements, Rooms, Topics, Media, Members, Events, Files. If you have your screen minimized you may see More and then links such as Media, Members, Events, Files will be there. When you click on Media, it expands to provide links to Photos and Albums. Use files to locate a lot of history, access Photos, and page back through and don’t forget to click on Albums where you'll find programs from Previous Grand Assemblies and other fun stuff. Note photos and albums are NOT in any specific order, FaceBook won't let me sort them in any specific order! Be sure to click on members, which names do you know? Who do you know from Rainbow that isn’t a member yet? Invite them to join us!

Don’t use Facebook? Contact our Jurisdictional Alumni Representative to Supreme Assembly (JAR) at (have trouble remembering that address?  Think OHIO Rainbow Girl Alumni.  

On our Facebook group, explore all of it. Scroll through and participate in discussions, start new ones.  Next, click the links on the left side of the page: Events, Members, Files, Photos.  Use files to locate a lot of history, access Photos, and don’t forget to click on Albums. Note photos and albums are NOT in any specific order! Be sure to click on members, which names do you know? Who do you know from Rainbow that isn’t a member yet? Invite them to join us.

Ohio Rainbow is growing again but we need everyone to pitch in and we all can do something, whether it’s serving on an advisory board, providing refreshments, supplies for a service project, make or alter a skirt or formal, help market an assembly, we can all do something no matter where we live. Find your niche, find your way to give back to Rainbow.

Are you looking to replace your majority card or your Grand Cross card? Send Supreme this form and reach out if you have any questions!

Check out our Get a Girl to Grand program that can only be successful with your support!