There are a variety of masonic scholarships for colleges and trade schools are available to assist our Rainbow Girls and Majority Members in continuing to “… get ready for life.” Below is information or links to various opportunities available. Our goal is to keep the information as current as possible and as new information for the next school year is available, we will update the information here. Please check back often for the most current information as it is received. If you have additional information to contribute please contact the webmaster.
Ohio Grand Assembly Scholarship - This scholarship is open to Rainbow Girls who are or will be attending a postsecondary institution (undergraduate program only) and have not received majority. Click here for the application that must be postmarked by April 15th
Interested in donating to the Ohio Grand Assembly Scholarship Fund?
Please make a check out to “Ohio Grand Assembly” and mail it:
Ohio Grand Assembly - IORG
c/o Crissy Willeke
4674 Mounts Road
Alexandria, OH 43001
Grand Lodge of Ohio Scholarship - The Grand Lodge awards two $1,200 scholarships in each of its Masonic Districts, one to a male and one to a female. Recipients must be graduating high school seniors and their application must be received by the District Scholarship Committee by March 1st. Click here for more information and the application
Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship - The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Program is an endowment established by The Ohio Masonic Home to provide tuition assistance for eligible full time students working toward a bachelor’s, associate’s or other undergraduate degree program at an accredited institution. The Ohio Masonic Home Scholarship Committee is responsible for administering this annual scholarship. Click here for more information and the application which is due April 3rd
Kenneth B. Scott Scholarship - Recognizes the dedicated efforts of Brother and Dad Ken Scott – as a Mason, a member of the Eastern Star, and as an advisor and supporter of Masonic Youth Groups. The scholarship is funded by donations from chapters and members of the Grand Chapter of Ohio, Order of the Eastern Star, and friends of Ken Scott. With these donations, the committee seeks to award one $1,000 scholarship to a member of each of the Masonic Youth Groups. Application must be received by April 5th
Beth Scott Memorial Scholarship - The Beth Scott Scholarship was established to honor Beth’s memory. Beth is a majority Rainbow Girl from Columbus Assembly. Beth served Ohio Rainbow as Grand Hope from 1979 – 1980. She lived Rainbow every day! She was such a special person to everyone she met. She touched the lives of so many people in the short time she was with us. To say she is dearly missed is an understatement. We know that she is smiling down on us today as we continue the Rainbow legacy.
Applicants must be members in good standing of Ohio Rainbow or a majority member that is continuing their education. The award may be used to pursue associate, bachelors or master’s degrees at accredited universities.
Application must be received by May 1st
The Michael Tung Memorial Scholarship - presented in the memory Michael J. Tung, who was a Senior DeMolay and a Master Mason. Michael was an incredibly caring and selfless individual, who exemplified the values of Freemasonry and of all Masonic Bodies. The Scholarship will be presented to 3 individuals each year - 1 from each Masonic Youth Organization. The scholarship can also be awarded each year that the individual is in school. Click here for more information and click here for the application. Application must be received by April 1st
Braatz Family Scholarship - Open to Rainbow or DeMolay members attending Bowling Green State University. To be considered, youth should complete the standard scholarship application at BG, and be sure to indicate their affiliation with a Masonic youth organization.
Leon M. Abbott Scholarship - Sponsored by the Scottish Rite of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, this scholarship is open to students who are high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate students who have a 2.75 out of a 4.0 scale who are directly related to a Scottish Rite Mason. Click here for more information. Applications are due to the Valley by April 1st
Kathleen Castle Memorial Scholarship Fund - The Valley of Cincinnati, Scottish Rite, sponsors a scholarship for daughters/granddaughters of members of the Order of the Eastern Star. Eligible applicants must be the daughter or granddaughter of member of the Order of Eastern Star (living or deceased); be a graduate of a public or private secondary or preparatory school; provide a copy of grade transcripts and ACT or SAT scores; and provide a letter of recommendation from a teacher or school counselor. Click here for more information. Applications must be received by the Valley of Cincinnati by April 1st.
Donald R James Medical Scholarship - The Valley of Cleveland has an endowment fund to provide a scholarship for undergraduate students with a declared major in Pre-Medicine or Pre-Dentistry, Sports Medicine, or in a graduate program leading to a Doctor of Medicine or a Doctor of Dental Science. Applications must be received by the Valley of Cleveland by April 1st.
The Ross & Joyce Black Scholarship - Established to provide college or trade school scholarships to graduating High School seniors whose grand/father is a member of the Valley of Cleveland or is a member of Masonic Youth. Applications must be received by the Valley of Cleveland by April 1st.
Southern Jurisdiction, Scottish Rite - The Southern Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite offers a variety of scholarships for students with a masonic affiliation. Click here for more information.
Grand Court of Ohio, Order of the Amaranth - The Order of the Amaranth awards $500 scholarships to high school seniors and undergraduate students of a university, college, or technical college. Click here for the application that is due April 1st
Worthy Grand Matron's Outstanding Youth Scholarship Award, Order of the Eastern Star - Each year the Worthy Grand Matron awards scholarships at each of the youth groups’ annual session.
Click here for the application which must be received by May 3rd
ESTARL (Eastern Star Training Awards for Religious Leadership) - Sponsored through the Ohio Grand Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, this award is open to students who have completed two years of college and are preparing for leadership in various fields of religious service including: Ministers, Missionaries, Directors of Church Music, Director of Religious Education or Directors of Youth Leadership. Click here for more information and click here for the application.
Ohio State White Shrine Association - Scholarship open to those 24 years or younger attending an Ohio College. Click here for the application which must be postmarked by April 1st
Norman G. Lincoln Scholarship - renewable scholarship provided by the Ohio Lodge of Research of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Free and Accepted Masons is to assist high school graduates in the endeavor of furthering their education. The Ohio Lodge of Research supports the pursuit of knowledge. The recipient of the scholarship may apply the funds toward tuition, room, board, textbooks, and/or related academic expenses at accredited colleges or vocational/technical schools within the United States. For information and the scholarship application packet click here - must be received by April 1st
Grand Commandry of Ohio - applicant must be enrolled or to be enrolled in an accredited college/university or vocational school at the undergraduate or graduate level. Click here for more information and the application which must be postmarked by March 31st