What is a Rainbow Pledge Group?
It is a service and social organization for girls ages 6 to 10 who are willing to pledge themselves to a life of love and service. It is hoped that, on their 11th birthday, or during their 11th year, they will be eager to apply for membership in the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.
The Pledge Program can open the door to experiences and friendships that will stay with young girls throughout their lives.The Rainbow Pledge Program allows girls to be of service to others, which will bring the girls a genuine feeling of accomplishment, that they will discover the meaning of true happiness by helping others. A Rainbow Pledge will learn how to accept responsibility and how to be both an effective leader and a dependable follower. She will have the opportunity learn how to speak effectively and to listen carefully.
The Rainbow Pledge Program has no membership fees or dues, just an application to show your interest in Rainbow Pledge. However, we may ask occasionally for assistance with an activity to act as a chaperone or to provide transportation or refreshments. Parents, grandparents, and legal guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend all Rainbow Pledge meetings.
Rainbow Pledge girls and its Advisors follow the same dress code as Rainbow members.