Past Grand Worthy Advisors of the 1930’s

Emmy Braun Roth                    Cleveland #2

Emmy Braun Roth
Cleveland #2

1933-34; Olive Swearingen Randall  Washington #10

1933-34; Olive Swearingen Randall
Washington #10

Margaret Hochstein Romoser                        Lorain #8

Margaret Hochstein Romoser
Lorain #8

1935-36; Alice Rea Hoppe Windermere #7Program (Facebook Album)

1935-36; Alice Rea Hoppe Windermere #7

Program (Facebook album)

1936-37; Constance Beardmore Cammer  Ft. Industry #12Program (Facebook Album)

1936-37; Constance Beardmore Cammer
Ft. Industry #12

Program (Facebook album)

1937-38; Dorothy Gale Johnson  Akron #15Program (Facebook Album)

1937-38; Dorothy Gale Johnson
Akron #15

Program (Facebook album)

1938-39; Phila Riess Weisbrod  H.J. Machle #9

1938-39; Phila Riess Weisbrod
H.J. Machle #9

Betty Ruter Morris
Lakewood #6

Program (Facebook album)