Past Grand Worthy Advisors of the 1990’s
Crissy Scott Willeke Columbus #172
Theme: Believe in the Magic of Your Dreams
Motto: When you see the Stars sparkle in the sky, Remember, your dreams can come true
Symbol: Wishing Well with Hanging Star (star denotes the magical dreams)
Colors: Red, White and Silver
Flower: Forget-Me-Not
Program (Facebook album)
Victoria Wilkes Schwepe Willoughby #31
Theme: Imagine
Motto: I imagine, therefore, I belong and am free
Symbols: Hot Air Balloons and Clouds
Colors: Purple, White and Silver
Flower: Lilacs
Program (Facebook album)
Keri Ladd Rickenbaugh Marysville #145
Theme: Sailing in His Light
Motto: Let His Light Be Your Guiding Light
Symbols: Sailboats and Lighthouses
Colors: Jade, Pearl and Fuchsia
Flower: White Rose
Program (Facebook album)
Holly Curp
Faith #93
Theme: Friendship
Motto: No matter how many friends you have you can always make room for one more!
Symbols: Noah’s Ark and Animals two-by-two
Colors: Baby Blue, Pale Pink and White
Flower: Morning Glory
Program (Facebook album)
Carla Zikursh
Painesville #14
Theme: Apples of Knowledge, Tree of Life
Motto: Trees
I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
Symbols: Apples and Trees
Colors: Red, Orange, Yellow and Green
Flower: Apple Blossom and Dogwood
Program (Facebook album)
Amber Warner Slanina
Chagrin Falls #38
Theme: Dare to Dream
Motto: In “Dreamland” you can do anything!
Colors: Mint Green and Rose
Flower: White Rose
Symbols: Lambs, Clouds, Rainbows, and Castles
Program (Facebook album)
Jennifer Smith Cinniger
Columbus #172
Theme: Guarded and Guided by God
Symbols: Angels and Stars
Colors: Red and Gold
Flower: White Rose
Program (Facebook album)
Stephanie Bennett
Mason #135
Theme: In Search of the Treasure
Symbols: Cross, Treasure Chest, Ichthus
Colors: Amethyst, Emerald Green, Coral and Pearl
Flower: Forget-Me-Not
Program (Facebook album)
Tara Harwood
Maumee #30
Theme: Believe in the Magic Within Yourself
Symbols: Fairies and Butterflies
Colors: Pink, Purple, Yellow and Iridescent
Flower: Daisy
Program (Facebook album)
Kathleen McKeown
Xenia #60
Theme: Make It Happen!
Symbols: Sun, Stars, Space Shuttle, Books
Colors: Indigo, White and Gold
Flower: White and Yellow Spider Chrysanthemums
Scripture: Matthew 5:14 and 16 (KJV)
Service Projects: Dayton 32° Masonic Learning Center for Children Books and Toys for Shriners’ Hospitals
Program (Facebook album)