Ohio at Supreme Assembly 2016

Every two years Rainbow Girls and supporters from all over the world gather for Supreme Assembly. In the summer of 2016 it was held in Providence, RI

JPGWA Kaitlynn was phenomenal as                             Acting Supreme Charity!

JPGWA Kaitlynn was phenomenal as
Acting Supreme Charity!

Mom Moody with the Acting Supreme Officers including Kaitlynn (front row)

Mom Moody with the Acting Supreme Officers including Kaitlynn (front row)

GWA Haley represented Ohio in the Calvacade of Flags and was fantastic

GWA Haley represented Ohio in the Calvacade of Flags and was fantastic

Mom Morris was Supreme Patriotism and did a great job

Mom Morris was Supreme Patriotism and did a great job

Mom Morris stepped down as Supreme Inspector and Mom Whitney was installed as Supreme Deputy during Installation