From Supreme Deputy Mom Whitney Poma:

Sadly, we have arrived at the time where I believe it is essential to cancel *all* Ohio Rainbow activities, including those for your local Assemblies and Districts, until further notice--likely until the public schools are re-opened.

In light of recent announcements from Governor Mike DeWine regarding the impending closure of bars and restaurants and in the interest of our continued safety for our Rainbow families and our surrounding communities, we need to do our part to stop the spread of this virus. 

A few important notes:

1. I strongly encourage you to coordinate virtual meetings using modern technologies for remote meetings like Continuing to meet virtually will help your Assembly to remain engaged and offer a much needed relief from the social distancing that is occurring around us. 

  • Not tech savvy? Ask around for support! There's a good chance one of your girls knows how to! 

  • Ritualistic work should not be performed during any virtual group meeting. Please only discuss items specific to your meeting's agenda. 

2. If you have extenuating circumstances or need counsel about how to proceed with essential business from an otherwise cancelled event, please discuss with your Grand Deputy and seek my guidance if further advice is needed. I am happy to help. 

3. While this is tough for all of us, please reach out to me discreetly via email or phone if you know of any families in our jurisdiction that are facing extenuating circumstances as result of what's happening surrounding COVID-19. I can't promise to be able to offer any assistance but can try.

Governor DeWine's latest comments: